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Bullying Laxasia with Guard Parries | blanxz on #Twitch
Lies of P - Bullying Laxasia
Beating Laxasia without Attacking || Only Dealing Damage from Parries || Lies of P
Lies of P - Laxasia with Etiquette (1.3 Update)
PERFECT PARRY | PERFECT GUARD : Laxasia The Complete Sword Combo (Lies of P Boss)
How to Parry Laxasia?? Actually too easy!!🥸 #liesofp #neowiz #laxasia #manus #geppetto #gaming
Destory Laxasia the Complete with only Perfect Guard | Lies of P
Laxasia Phase 2 is COMPLETELY SCRIPTED with the Twin Dragon Sword | blanxz on #Twitch
Lies of P - Laxasia the Complete Boss Guide
Laxasia Meets A Bully
The most satisfying Attack to deflect - Laxasia #LiesOfP
You can send Laxasia into phase 2 early if you break her weapon! | blanxz on #Twitch #liesofP